Elisheva is leader of AMHA a reconstructionist Hebrew Polytheist path She has taught since the early1990s.Originally from the Galilee, she served in her country’s Security Forces; retired; ran an international business,retired; had a private psychotherapy and consulting practice until fall 2017,when she again retired. She is now a spiritual mentor and consultant to Pagan groups, works also as a Seer, and is an enthusiastic dabbler in a variety of crafts.
Divination in the Ancient Middle East: 3:00 p.m. Wed, July 22 (Zoom)– Divination is a most ancient practice everywhere in the world. IN this workshop I will give you an overview of some divination traditions of the middle East, rom Ancient Sumer and Babylon, and especially from ancient Israel where it was a well established practice.
Kind God Scary God….What’s Going On?? 11:00 a.m. Fri, July 24 (Zoom)— Today, depending on what the preachers or priest of monotheism taught you, the High God is either kind loving or a truly scary psychopath mass murderer How is this possible? How did these irreconcilable ideas even start? Come ready for Q&A.