Merchant Info

Merchant Info

Brushwood Merchant Information

Merchant Application Link 

Brushwood Folklore Center, LLC was founded as an artists community in 1970 and the founders spent many years traveling throughout the country as merchants.  Today, we continue to support creativity and encourage merchants to participate in our events.

One adult event/campsite fee plus $75 merchant fee each 10 x 20 booth is required.  Electric charges are part of the campsite fee.  Merchant fee covers both Sankofa and Sirius Rising and includes one on-site vehicle pass ($25 value) and link to our website.

Apply to vend at during Sankofa and Sirius Rising here.

This page should answer most of your questions regarding vending at Brushwood.  If you have any questions, please contact

  • Set up is 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. the day before the event Wed or Thu for Sankofa and Sunday for Sirius Rising).  Special arrangements must be made with Merchant Liaison if special circumstances require you to set up outside of those timeframes at
  • If you are vending at Brushwood, you must have a current NYS Sales Tax Certificate of Authority displayed at your booth. To get your New York State Tax Certificate of Authority: Visit NYS Website.
  • All vendors must have liability insurance. Brushwood Folklore Center, LLC is to be named third party insured. The amount suggested, but not limited to, is $50,000.
  • Merchants may sell only non-food items.
  • All merchants must have a fire extinguisher at their booths. This extinguisher must be easily accessible to you and to others in case of fire.
  • Vending spaces are 10’x20′ each. You may camp immediately behind your vending space, occupying up to an additional 10’x20′, if you wish.
  • Only one vehicle per merchant allowed on site. It must be kept within this 20′ x 20′ area.
  • All your ropes and stakes for you tent and booth must be clearly marked and must be kept within your 20′ x 20′ area.

Tattoo artists must apply to and be certified by the Chautauqua County Department of Health, Mayville, NY. Telephone number is 716-753-4481.

“Energy Workers” must use disinfectant wipes or rubbing alcohol wipes. An “energy worker” should not touch the client’s body in anyway unless it is fully explained to the client when and how the body is to be touched before doing so and then with explicit permission.

Large vehicles not allowed to drive on site at night. Restricted areas apply. Check before setting up your booth. No part of your vending or camping setup or your vehicle may block any part of any road or path. NO generators. NO ghost camps. Someone must be in attendance at a claimed merchant space. NO reserved space guaranteed. Get along with your neighbor.

